Comic Pamphlet Publications
The American Club has released a series of comic pamphlets for Members dealing with matters of safety, protection of the marine environment and maritime security. The comics are available for downloading via Adobe Acrobat pdf files as found below. Hardcopy versions of these publications are free to Members upon request. Please contact Dr. William Moore at [email protected]. ![]()
The booklet, Cyber Awareness, aims to assist seafarers in understanding the basic principles of protecting both themselves and their ship against cyber risks.
The booklet, Safety Management Systems, aims to assist both seafarers and shoreside personnel to understanding the basic principles to implement local and international safety management system for both seagoing and shoreside personnel.
Safety Management Systems Comic ![]()
It is commonly understood that the diligence of shipowners, ship managers, and crew is imperative in ensuring shipboard safety. Nevertheless, the ‘rubber meets the road’ with the seafarer who is ultimately responsible for ensuring safety and environmental protection as well as being the agent through whom proper safety measures are implemented. The safety of the seafarer is the most important concern. When looking at personal injury claims, we find that it is the small things that lead to injuries such as trips, falls, improper lifting, lifeboat drills and entry into enclosed spaces. Shipboard Safety is a reminder to seafarers about safe work practices that prevent and mitigate accidents associated with the daily hazards of working onboard ship. A strong safety culture, safety awareness, situational awareness and due diligence are key to reducing the incidence of human error leading to accidents.
Shipboard Safety Comic ![]() The contribution which the shipping industry can make to the conservation of the marine environment is clearly of vital importance. Despite public perceptions to the contrary, reinforced by a popular media often hostile to maritime enterprise, the shipping industry’s record in avoiding ship-sourced pollution is thoroughly creditable.
Against this background, and in development of the American Club’s policy of seeking to extend safety and loss prevention awareness among both onboard and shoreside personnel, it is hoped that this publication will contribute to the continuing protection of our majestic seas. The primary purpose of Protecting the Marine Environment is to heighten the awareness of seafarers that what goes onboard the ship, such as people, cargo, stores, etc. should also come off the ship in an environmentally friendly way.
Protecting the Marine Environment Comic ![]()
The Club has produced this booklet as an easy-to-read and user-friendly publication for seafarers as a means of familiarizing themselves with the risks of fatigue. Preventing Fatigue is derived from the observations contained in the International Maritime Organization’s publication, Guidelines on Fatigue. It is a widely-held misconception today that complexity equals sophistication and effectiveness. By contrast, Preventing Fatigue is the antithesis of complexity. Its at-a-glance format, made memorable by an undercurrent of humor, delivers a serious message that everyone can understand and absorb. Most importantly, the message is one we hope will have a genuinely positive effect on reducing the effects of fatigue as a root cause of human error in maritime accidents. The Club believes this will have a measurable impact on reducing accidents in the years ahead.
Preventing Fatigue Comic ![]() ![]() |